COASTGUARDS rescued a dog which had plunged over a cliff.

Kimmeridge Coastguard Rescue Team was called to the incident yesterday afternoon.

A spokesman for the team said: "The pagers went off at 12.36pm to reports of a dog over a cliff in the Rope Lake Jead area to the east of Kimmeridge Bay.

"With St Albans CG team also in attendance a rope rescue recovery was successfully carried out to bring Holly the spaniel back up the cliff from the precarious position she was in on a ledge part way down.

#2Thankfully, though obviously a little distressed, Holly was very friendly and obliging to be rescued and although slightly tricky getting her into the dog rescue bag, she was reunited safe and well back to her overjoyed owners at the top of the cliff."

"Luckily on this occasion it was a positive outcome but we would always urge dogs to be kept on a lead whilst you are out enjoying the cliff top paths.

"As always in the event of an emergency whilst out on the coast requiring our assistance dial 999  and ask for the Coastguard'.