FAMILIES in Dorset are encouraged to check if they qualify for free school meals

Cllr Andrew Parry, Dorset Council portfolio holder for children, education and early help, said: "I urge all families whose financial circumstances have been affected by the pandemic to check if they are eligible for the scheme.

"It is vital that children are fed and that they continue to eat healthily."

Dorset Council says that because the coronavirus pandemic has had a huge effect on employment, it is expected that more families will be eligible to claim for free school meals.

Cllr Parry said: “We know that many people are having to deal with very challenging circumstances and the council is determined to reduce the stresses and pressures on hard-pressed people in our region.”

If a child is eligible for free school meals, they remain eligible until they finish the phase of schooling they’re in on 31 March 2022.

Visit the Dorset Council website to find out more.