ORGANISATIONS from across Dorset have launched a new campaign to remind people that BBQs are illegal on heathlands.

Litter Free Dorset, the Urban Heath Partnership and Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service have announced the launch of ‘BBQs Burn More Than Bangers’ to prevent the damaging of wildlife.

Incidents of arson on heathlands are becoming more frequent, so the organisations hope that this campaign will prevent more from occurring while promoting the use of safe, designated barbecuing destinations.

On average, Dorset is subject to over 100 heathland wildfires a year and a high proportion of these can be attributed to a heathland barbecue gone wrong.

Protecting the Dorset's 8,500 hectares of heathlands is extremely important due to it being one of the most biodiverse ecosystems in the UK.

They are home to thousands of species of flora and fauna, plus 450 species that are recognised as rare, threatened or protected.

Many residential areas around the heathlands are also affected by wildfires as they can affect the health and safety of local communities.

Litter Free Dorset in collaboration with the Urban Heath Partnership and Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service, want to help protect both the rare heathland wildlife and the livelihoods of those living nearby Dorset’s heathlands.

To avoid starting fires on precious heathlands, visit for suggested safe BBQ spots and hot barbecuing tips.