I AM a care worker. Part of my job entails travelling all over Dorset to assist people within there homes.

I have never seen so many cyclists of all ages out on the roads, even in the middle if the countryside.

I think the police should be stopping some of them and asking where there home address is, and reminding them its only pairs allowed out, not families of 4-8 people, half with no helmets and tiny kids wobbling all over the main road.

Because I bet 80 per cent are well outside their boundaries and are going on family days out.

People are pushing the one walk or bike ride a day rule to the limit should be fined like car drivers.

Plus why if you're out running or walking do you need a big rucksack?

There were even a group of four people cycling from Ringwood down the duel carriageway the other afternoon.

I got stopped and asked for ID and I'm one of a team working, genuinely helping people stay in their homes with a care package.

Do theses idiots want the virus to continue or go?

They're only thinking of themselves not the people of this country.


Gloucester Road, Bournemouth