A BOURNEMOUTH resident has joined in the campaign of putting rainbows in windows by designing a crochet pattern for people to download and make across the world.

Crochet pattern designer Kerry warren, who runs Kerry Jayne Designs from the comfort of her own home and has a regular following of over 40,000 people.

Having seen children putting pictures of rainbows in their windows to help cheer up passers-by and show their support for key workers, Kerry was compelled to join in.

Kerry said: “After seeing that the children were putting painted rainbows up in windows to give them something to do while at home, I felt that I wanted to add my support by designing an easy crochet pattern download free of charge for the crochet community to show our support for the NHS, front line staff and key workers while staying at home ourselves to stop the spread.

“I wanted to create something bright beautiful and cheery to hang in the window or front door.”

Since uploading her design, it has been viewed over 2.5 million views on Facebook, with just over 55,000 downloads, so far.

The pattern has been downloaded by crocheters all around the world, including America, Australia, Canada and Hong Kong.

“The idea seems to have gone really well with a good positive message and young and old are hanging rainbows in their windows.

“Quite a number have said that they have Covid-19 and are in isolation, but this has given them something fun to do. It has been great.”