CROWDS seen gathering on beaches across Dorset are "behaving like it is holiday season", according to residents.

Groups of teenagers, families and groups of adults in huts were spotted on the beach at Southbourne and Boscombe on Saturday.

This comes after the UK government advised people to stay home and avoid unnecessary social contact.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson also ordered pubs, restaurants, cinemas, theatres, leisure centres, bars and gyms to close on Friday night.

Bournemouth Echo:

People in the Lower Gardens on Sunday 

It has been reported that people have been buying beers as takeaways and then gathering together to drink them.

One witness, who did not want to be named, said: "There were large numbers of people out on the beach behaving like it is holiday season.

"When are these people going to get a grip, stop being selfish and protect the numerous elderly and vulnerable living here? They have no excuse. This is hard for everyone.

"People are completely ignoring the lockdown by buying takeaway beer then sitting down to drink it."

Lulworth Cove was described as "completely full" on Saturday.

One nearby resident said: "The car park at Lulworth Cove was completely full over this weekend. People were behaving as though it was a public holiday.

"Groups of people and children, nobody distancing. Car parks open, air B&B, private holiday lets, a camp site all open for business, making lots of lovely money.

"To hell with the vulnerable who reside here all year. Spread this awful virus - you're happy at the moment. Will you be when it comes to you?

"I've been ashamed to witness the disgusting selfish behaviour that has emerged from the minority of UK people during this crisis."