OUR beaches are one of the main reasons that visitors come to our lovely area and they make a significant contribution to the local economy. To access the beaches and beach huts we need the promenade.

What has caused the promenade to be covered with sand, sometimes several centimetres deep? It’s not just the recent windy weather, the level has been increasing over the last five years or more.

Is it caused by the dredging of the harbour entrance when the sand was deposited on the beach at Sandbanks and beyond? If so, what is the council doing to overcome this mistake?

The level of the beach is above the Promenade in numerous places and little has been done to remove it. The council has tractor type vehicles but these have not been used to clear the promenade, just occasionally to clear a narrow way through the sand.

If the high level of the beach is to be permanent then a low level wall will be required to keep the promenade clear. The council appears to have money available for capital projects, so is a wall included in the plans?

Ron Bryant

Westminster Road, Poole