A MOTHER from Ringwood who lost her daughter to liver disease, has inspired her work colleague to take on a decorating project with the Prince’s Trust.

Dana Fry, 25, who lost her 18-month-old baby daughter last year, wanted to do something for a local children’s ward in her baby’s memory.

A team of 12 individuals from The Prince’s Trust spruced up a children’s ward in Poole Hospital.

“My daughter Mylah passed away last year,” said Dana. “While she was ill, we spent 15 months in a children’s ward in Southampton, and it became our home.

“It means a lot to be able to do this for other children. The experience with my daughter has inspired me to want to be a paramedic.”

The Prince’s Trust is a youth charity that aims to get young people between 11 and 30 into jobs, education and training.

The Prince’s Trust team leader at Dorset and Wiltshire Fire service Debbie Harvey said: “I spend 12 weeks with the group doing community projects like this, as well as leading the young people on activities such as first aid skills, CV writing, physical challenges and many other things.”

Dana’s cousin, Shannon, 18, who was also participating in the Prince’s Trust scheme said: “Dana’s daughter was my cousin, so I wanted to help other families with sick children. I’ve really enjoyed this inspiring project.”

The brand-new kids’ chill-out area now has freshly-painted walls displaying inspirational quotes, a sofa, bookshelves, an interactive chalk board and a flat-screen TV. Ali Green, ward sister, said she was thrilled with the results.

“The teenager room was very old-fashioned and boring, and we wanted something a bit more adolescent-friendly,” said Ali.

“Having these young people do the job was great, as they’re much more in touch with what our kids need.”