A WHEELCHAIR-bound Poole gym owner and personal trainer has been recognised for his incredible achievements after winning an industry award.

Matt Anderson, who broke his back and narrowly avoided death in a 1990 Canadian car crash, has won Insure4Sport’s Personal Best Award in recognition of his contributions to personal training.

The 49-year-old, who is paralysed from the waist down, only got into personal training by chance after a friend encouraged him to visit the gym shortly after his accident.

Since then, Matt has embarked on a personal training career spanning almost three decades, during which he has set up his own business and helped make a life-changing difference to people from all corners of society.

His proudest achievements include helping an 80-year-old stroke victim stay active and improving his quality of life and training a ‘relatively unfit’ 20-year-old woman who went on to join the army and invited him to her passing out ceremony.

Matt said: “When I first read the email stating that I had won the award, I was quite taken aback. I certainly wasn’t expecting to be chosen above many of the other personal trainers out there making a difference on a daily basis.

“To say I was chuffed would be an understatement and I feel quite proud to have been recognised for what I do. I don’t do what I do for praise or recognition, but it is always nice to be appreciated for my work.”

He continued: “I enjoy sharing my knowledge with others and love the fact that I am a disabled trainer in an industry packed with the super fit, more conventional personal trainers.

“In my opinion, I’m able to do just as good a job as them, if not better. My message to others would be – if you want to make a life-changing difference to others but aren’t sure whether you ‘fit the mould’ of a personal trainer, never give up if it’s what you really want.”

Matt runs his own personal training business from a private studio in Holyrood Close, Poole. He provides a broad variety of personal training and nutritional support services, including circuit training, weight loss classes and MedX workouts.