A FOUNDATION set up in memory of a talented and popular young sportsman has raised a staggering £400,000.

Steve Bernard had just embarked on university life in Chichester when he was killed along with two of his friends in a car crash in 2005.

The former Bournemouth School pupil's love of sport led his family and friends to set up the Steve Bernard Foundation in his memory.

And supporters recently celebrated reaching the impressive milestone at an event at Hurn Bridge Sports Club.

Trustee and Steve's best friend Craig Mathie told attendees how the fund raising started with an event more than 13 years ago and has gone from strength to strength.

"Magical things have happened in loving memory of Stevie B. The trustees would like to send their sincerest love and thanks to everyone who has contributed to this phenomenal total, one which was genuinely inconceivable all those years ago" he said.

"We have hosted bundles of fundraisers, supported hundreds of sporting projects, helped thousands of youngsters and brought unquantifiable smiles to the faces of so many more. None of this would have been achieved without the constant and unwavering support of so many.

"We're still committed to going further, providing a a lifeline to community sport where others have disappeared and to sharing the memory of Stevie B amongst his friends and those who never met him."

The foundation has supported more than 200 projects covering more than 30 different sports and spanning four continents.

It is run by volunteers and has offered guidance, financial support and equipment to a range of good causes from outreach projects in Thailand and Uganda to potential Olympic athletes and local sports clubs for children.

Recent events have included a quiz night which saw 20 teams compete for a cash prize and a luxury hamper.World Number 1 netball star Geva Mentor has also joined the foundation as an ambassador.