PARKING on pavements could be banned after a national inquiry was launched into the ‘real problem’ on our roads.

The government’s transport committee says there has been a ‘lack of progress’ on the problem, and said there are growing calls to put a stop to drivers parking with their wheels over the kerb.

The group is now calling for evidence on the issue, and once the inquiry is completed, there is a chance that pavement parking could be banned as it is in London.

Committee chair Lilian Greenwood MP said: “This is an area where some people’s actions cause real difficulties for others. Parking on pavements risks the safety of all groups of people from the littlest to the oldest, with differing needs.

“While we’re also inquiring into Active Travel – how we get more people to get into walking and cycling – we need to make sure it’s safe to take to the streets. We want to hear from the public about the difficulties this presents and the solutions on offer.”

There is no national ban against either on-street or pavement parking except in the latter case in London and more widely for heavy commercial vehicles.

However, it is an offence to drive onto the pavement, whether with intention to park or not.

Because this is a criminal offence, as opposed to the vast majority of civil parking offences, it is enforceable by the police, not councils.

And the government committee admits that MPs have not taken any action on the problem despite there being concerns about the extent to which this is enforced.

It admitted that drivers parking on pavements ‘creates real problems’.

The report said: “For those with visual difficulties, who use mobility aids, or need to navigate footpaths with children, unpredictable hazards such as cars represent a potential danger.”

In recent years there have been campaigns to introduce a complete civil ban on pavement parking, enforceable by councils.

The transport committee is calling for written evidence on the following:

  • the impact of pavement parking;
  • the enforcement of pavement parking offences; and 
  • enforcement and, if necessary, reform of traffic regulation orders need to deal with pavement parking.

The closing date to submit written evidence is 14 May 2019. visit for details on how to get in touch