A MOTHER has lost nine stone and 10 pounds after seeking support from a Bournemouth slimming clinic.

Amanda Buckett, who works at AFC Bournemouth, was so scared her excess fat was going to suffocate her in her sleep she knew it was time to seek professional help.

The 37-year-old from Poole had always been a yo-yo dieter and tried every diet going but was unable to shift the weight.

After fearing about the impact her weight was having on her health she joined the National Slimming Clinic (NSC) on Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, which had been recommended by her mum, Lorraine Harrison, who had lost five stone 10lbs with the clinic.

The mother-of-seven now weighs 11 stone and both her children and her health are benefitting from the weight loss.

“I made the decision to lose weight not just for my children but I knew my weight was taking a toll on my health," said Amanda.

“I had pains in my knees all the time and I struggled to breathe when laying down or walking upstairs.

“One of the best things about losing the weight is being able to sleep without feeling like I am being suffocated by the extra fat around my neck.

"I can now walk for miles without getting out of breathe and now no longer hide away from the world."

She added: “The NSC did what no other weight loss programme could do for me. The staff were amazing and helped keep me on track.

“I now don’t have to struggle to find shops that stock a size 26 – I can finally wear fashionable clothes.”

The National Slimming Clinics is the largest medical weight loss provider in the UK with 27 clinics, and has been in business for more 35 years.

For more information visit their nscclinics.co.uk.