AT the end of 2018, the UN’s stark warning that we have 12 years left to limit climate catastrophe was preceded by countless extreme weather events, including the heat wave that hit us here in Bournemouth and Poole.

Although some small steps were taken, including the construction of eco-friendly council housing and solar panel installation, we need to take much bigger steps in 2019 to create a more sustainable future.

Bournemouth and Poole Greenpeace calls on our MPs, Robert Syms, Tobias Ellwood and Conor Burns, alongside all UK politicians, to adopt the following green resolutions to tackle the climate crisis:

1. MPs and councillors here need to commit to renewables and oppose reckless expansion in fossil fuel extraction, such as the new oil rig in Poole Bay this February. Out with the old and in with the renewables.

2. Protect and restore the health of our oceans. MPs in Bournemouth and Poole need to implement a Blue Belt in UK waters, lead in negotiating an ambitious UN Global Oceans Treaty and continue to fight to protect the Antarctic.

3. Restore nature in our countryside and set up a sustainable, local food system. Our Dorset countryside needs bigger, bolder, better farming post-Brexit - policies that help wildlife to thrive, but also benefit the soil and food.

Bournemouth and Poole Greenpeace have contacted our local MPs and look forward to hearing from them as to how they will achieve these actions.

HANNAH SHARLAND, Fitzworth Avenue, Poole