DROP-IN sessions are being held ahead of a 'switch-over' to the new road layout and one-way system in Poole.

The ongoing £11.m Townside scheme, covering the area between Poole Bridge and Hunger Hill - including West Street and West Quay Road - involves the reconfiguration of the Hunger Hill junction.

On Sunday, January 20, the switch to the new road layout will take place.

Residents can attend a 'switch-over' drop-in session at the RNLI College in West Quay Road anytime between 3-7pm, on Tuesday, January 8, and Wednesday January 9.

Borough of Poole (BOP) officers will be on hand to explain the changes and answer questions.

BOP cabinet portfolio holder for transportation Cllr Ian Potter said: "This is a major infrastructure project and we would urge people to pop along to the public drop-in sessions to find out more about the switch-over and the impact this will have on motorists."