PLANS to revamp Sturminster Newton Leisure Centre are set to be given a financial boost to the tune of £70,000.

North Dorset District Council’s cabinet is being recommended to approve the grant to SturFit, the charity which operates the Honeymead Lane facility.

If approved, the money would go towards a planned new exercise studio and ‘reconfiguration’ of its fitness facilities which is estimated to cost £100,000.

The leisure centre is held by Dorset County Council on a long lease for use by both Sturminster Newton High School and the community.

Through this arrangement, SturFit holds a sublease, however it has been agreed to change this to “enable it [SturFit] to improve the facilities and provide better community use whilst also providing for school use”.

Discussions between the charity and the county council are still ongoing to finalise the new lease although SturFit has began drawing up plans to renovate the facility and has requested financial support from North Dorset District Council.

A report to its cabinet by community-led development officer, Hugh de Iongh, says., ahead of a meeting on Monday (January 14) recommends that a £70,000 grant is awarded towards the project which it says would be ‘a considerable help’ to the project.

“At present, discussions are in progress between Dorset County Council and the sports charity SturFit with regards to the potential sub-letting of the whole leisure centre premises through an asset transfer process, which is relatively straightforward, “ it says.

“As and when there is sufficient security for further investment, SturFit wants to improve the centre’s facilities and increase its income-generating potential.”

Mr de Iongh has recommended that the cabinet agree to award the £70,000 grant towards the planned improvements at its meeting on Monday.