A MANDARIN duck became an unlikely celebrity in New York last year after appearing in a Central Park pond during the autumn.

Huge crowds flocked to see the bird, which was unofficially christened 'Mandarin Patinkin' after the Princess Bride actor.

However, there's no need to book an expensive trip across the (rather larger) pond to see the creature for yourself.

Instead, you just need to head to Poole Park among several places, where members of our Echo Camera Club Dorset group have captured photographs of a rare and beautiful Mandarin duck on a number of occasions since November.

The little waterbirds are known to visit the park sometimes, although they are not frequent guests.

Twitchers have also spotted Mandarin ducks at Hatch Pond, Upton Country Park and Lytchett Bay. They breed in Merley.

The ducks, which are not endangered or protected, were introduced from the far east of Asia. They are shy birds, often hiding beneath overhanging trees and forming small flocks.