IF YOU'VE got plenty of good ideas on how to improve our local the NHS then the Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals need you.

Medical staff from the hospitals say they need more volunteers to become a Patient Voice, working alongside clinicians to make decisions no how services are designed. Patient Voices sit on committees, work with project teams and share ideas and opinions to ensure services are the best they can be for the patients.

If you’ve been a patient at The Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (RBCH) and have ideas that would help improve the experience for others, and could commit to giving up a few hours occasionally, this could be an opportunity to make a difference says the hospital.

Deputy head of nursing at RBCH, Fiona Hoskins, said: “Patient feedback has always been essential to our services but we’re now looking to involve our patients in the whole process, putting their views at the forefront of service design and asking for their opinions every step of the way.

"We hope becoming a Patient Voice volunteer is something both current and former patients are keen to be involved in. If this is something you’re interested in, please get in touch.”

The Trust is hosting a recruitment event for patient voice volunteers on Friday November 9 at 10am in Seminar Rooms 3 and 4 of the Royal Bournemouth Hospital’s Education Centre. If you’d like to go along or to find out more, email proudto.volunteer@rbch.nhs.uk.