SEA Scouts in Poole won a horde of trophies and gold and silver awards at a national swimming championships.

The annual event held at HMS Raleigh attracted over 200 Royal Navy Sea Scouts, leaders and Explorer Sea Scouts from 25 groups across the UK.

The Mayor of Poole, Cllr Sean Gabriel, has congratulated Lilliput Sea Scouts swimming team who were awarded first place in the competition.

Over a weekend, the teams competed in a variety of races including individual breaststroke, backstroke and freestyle races as well as team medley relays. The Lilliput Sea Scouts team won the overall competition and the Sea Scout Otter Team Shield.

They also came first in the whole squadron relay and under 14 Silver Salver award. They were awarded second place in the under 12 team award.

And members of the team took home medals for the medley relay and individual stroke competition.

The Lilliput Gulliver Explorer team also took part in the event and came second in the lifesaving team race and third in the whole squadron relay.

Cllr Gabriel said: “It was a real pleasure to meet Lilliput Sea Scouts and congratulate them on their fantastic achievement at the Royal Navy national Sea Scouts swimming championships. They should feel very proud of their results and their well-earned success.”

Simon Inge, Lilliput’s Group Scout Leader, said: “We are so proud of the team and it’s great that they represented the group from Poole at a very tough national swimming event.”

The Royal Navy Sea Scouts Liaison Officer congratulated the team’s success, especially considering the high level of competition.

“The Royal Navy wants to inspire youth to achieve and we saw plenty of achievement from the Lilliput Sea Scouts at the Swimming Gala.

“Their determination and commitment to the team overcame some very strong competition from teams from around the country.”

And Keith Redwood, Lilliput Group Chairman, said: “ It was an honour for the swimming team to be invited to meet the Mayor of Poole to celebrate their success.”