A MAN has admitted a charge of assault - less than a year after he was handed a suspended sentence for committing grievous bodily harm.

Tyler Blake, of Stour Road in Christchurch, assaulted Prince Peprah in Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth on August 5.

He admitted the charge at Poole Magistrates' Court on August 21.

At the same hearing, the defendant, 19, also admitted resisting a PC in the execution of his duty and commission of a further offence during the operational period of a suspended sentence order.

The suspended sentence order was made at Bournemouth Crown Court on October 27 after Blake, then 18, was dealt with for committing grievous bodily harm without intent in Bournemouth on July 7 2017.

Blake admitted the charge during his first appearance before magistrates on September 15.

He will return to the crown court for sentence for the latest matters next month.