HAMPSHIRE Constabulary is replacing its fleet with electric cars in a bid to save cash.

While the new vehicles will not replace fast 'response vehicles', so far 40 new electric cars have been introduced into the 'general' fleet, which includes pool cars and those used by investigators.

Inspector Andy Tester said: “It quickly became clear that stepping up a gear when it came to electric cars made perfect sense, both financially and environmentally.

“We are spending public money so it is vitally important that forces find pioneering new ways to transform the way things are done.

“There is a perception that electric cars are expensive but we have done the sums and with the help of a government grant, the saving for the first three years is £450,000.

“That type of saving, when every force across the country is looking to cut costs, is almost impossible to argue against, especially when you look at the environmental benefits too."

The force says cars in its new fleet will cost £1 a day to run compared with £3.50 for petrol, with a total annual emissions saving of 64 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

CID and pool cars require no modifications beyond the fitting of a police radio and tracking systems, so the force is not expecting any difficulties or major costs in bringing the new vehicles into the fleet.

Insp Tester said the BMW i3 had been picked as the preferred brand.

"The range of the i3 on electric power alone is up to 120 miles and the average daily mileage of a CID or pool car is significantly less than 100 miles," he said.

"Plus, the majority of these vehicles are generally used on day or late shifts, which means the cars can be charged for regular periods overnight.

"And the response from those who have used them so far has been fantastic, they have praised the design, quality, equipment levels and the way they drive.

"People have really been surprised at how much they enjoy driving them and we are sure that this experience will be the same across the board.

"Currently we have more than 220 pool and CID cars but the plan is for us to move towards having a 50/50 split in the future."

Should the vehicles run out of charge they have a back-up petrol system which lasts for 60 miles.

New charging points will be installed at Southampton, Basingstoke and Portsmouth police stations.