WHETHER you're buying a copy in the shop or reading all about it online, local press is now the most trusted source of news for British people.

Around three-quarters - 74 per cent - of respondents to a new YouGov survey agreed they trusted the news and information in their local newspaper.

Just 22 per cent trusted information found on social media such as Facebook and Linkedin, and 43 per cent had faith in the results of search engines.

The survey was commissioned by Local Media Works. Local newspapers are read by 42 million adults across Britain in print and digital form.

Daily Echo editor Andy Martin said the results of the survey prove local news is crucial.

"The thirst for news and information today is stronger than ever, as is our ability to deliver it," he said.

"That's not just any news and information, but trusted news and information, and we provide that.

"The driver for our growing digital and print audience is the news, sport, features, entertainment and information coverage delivered every day by a team of hardworking, dedicated and professional journalists.

"Quality journalism is the key to a successful paper, whether it's in print or online."

Craig Nayman, Local Media Works chairman, said: “This survey provides yet more compelling evidence of a resurgence of trust in traditional media outlets, with local media leading the way, as the public become increasingly aware of the dangers associated with social platforms and fake news.

“In the current climate, trust is at a premium and advertisers large and small must recognise the clear advantages of partnering with local media in order to communicate with their audiences in a safe, trusted, and highly effective environment.”

The YouGob findings echo those of the recent Edelman Trust Barometer 2018, which found trust in traditional media in the UK is at its highest level in six years, up 13 points to 61 per cent, while trust in social platforms has dropped to 24 per cent and trust in search engines has dropped to 47 per cent.

Justin Marshall, associate director of YouGov's digital media and technology sector, said: “As shown in the data from this research, trust in social media as a source of news is particularly low, followed by general internet searches, whereas trust in established news brands is far greater.”