I AM in total agreement with Cornelius Cornes’ comments about the importance of voting (Echo, June 8).

In fact, I would go one further and make voting mandatory.

It is absolutely shocking that so many people don’t bother to take advantage of our liberty.

Do they not realise how hard our forebears fought to win the vote for every citizen?

Have they not heard about the countries where elections are either not held or are rigged? Are they not interested in their future?

Several years ago I did some door-to-door canvassing prior to an election and I was shocked by the number of people (particularly young people) who said they didn’t bother to vote and were completely disinterested in who governs.

After about the twelfth person I really couldn’t take any more and I asked one young lady if she realised how hard women fought (and suffered) to get the vote – she just shrugged and I was left speechless.

Come on people, appreciate and revel in your freedom – so many suffered and died in order for us to enjoy this privilege it’s the least you can do.

If there are still any ‘lethargists’ out there, can I suggest you read the story of Emily Davison.


Sea Road, Boscombe, Bournemouth

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