THE leader of Poole’s Sea Cadets has been honoured by the Lord Lieutenant of Dorset for his many years of exceptional service.

Lieutenant Colin Webb, until recently the commanding officer of Borough of Poole Sea Cadets, received a Certificate for Meritorious Service from the Lord Lieutenant, Angus Campbell, during ceremonies at South Walks House in Dorchester.

The 48-year-old engineer, who lives in Poole, was himself a cadet at the unit from the age of 12. After just one year out, he became a civilian instructor before taking command 12 years ago.

As a qualified Royal Yachting Association instructor in yachting, sailing and powerboating, he has helped train hundreds of cadets, not just from the Poole area, but also from across Dorset, Wiltshire and Hampshire.

His efforts led to Poole Sea Cadets becoming an RYA-recognised training centre for instruction and qualification of cadets and adults for sailing and powerboating – with windsurfing set to follow soon.

Despite stepping down as commanding officer, Colin is remaining with Poole cadets.

“But, after 12 years, I just felt it was time for change,” he said. “The Sea Cadets organisation does a wonderful job, offering opportunities for young people which, but for the availability of bursaries, they would not be able to afford.

“We see a huge and positive difference in cadets as they progress. One thing we encourage is social contact, which in an age of social media doesn’t always happen. In other words, youngsters have to speak to each other, work together and develop real teamwork.”

A number of other individuals received a Certificate for Meritorious Service at the ceremony including Tim Rich, of Wareham, an adventurous training instructor with 2182 (Dorchester) Squadron, Air Training Corps (ATC), Warrant Officer 2nd Class Nigel Plumb, of Wareham, a regimental quartermaster sergeant (reserve) with The Royal Wessex Yeomanry, Colonel Daniel Culley, of Wimborne, commander of Canford School Combined Cadet Force, Flight-Lieutenant Jenny Child, of Christchurch, detachment commander with 2391 (Parkstone) Squadron, ATC, Elizabeth Humphreys, of Poole, clerk to A Squadron, The Royal Wessex Yeomanry, and Janice Colin, of Wareham, civilian instructor with 2182 (Dorchester) Squadron, ATC.