A DORSET Police car has been given a stylish revamp to show support for this year’s Poppy Appeal.

In support of the Royal British Legion’s annual Poppy Appeal, a Dorset Police car has been specially adorned in red poppies.

Acting Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner Colin Pipe said: “Following the success of our specially decorated pride vehicle at Bourne Free earlier this year, many members of the public got in touch to suggest other events they would like to see us support in this way.

“There was huge support for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal, recognising those who gave their lives in combat and I am pleased that we are able to do something to mark this special event.”

The car made its debut appearance at the Poppy Appeal launch in Ferndown on Saturday

Following its appearance at the launch event, the car will be deployed on active patrol in the Poole are for the first two weeks of November, in the lead up to Remembrance Day on Sunday 13.

This year’s Poppy Appeal is asking the public to ‘rethink Remembrance’ and recognise the sacrifices made across all generation of the British Armed Forces.

Money raised in the Dorset Area will go towards the Legion’s 2016 target of £43m which will be used to continue vital work in delivering practical care for the Armed Forces community.

The Legion uses donations to support in various ways including providing crisis grants, offering the children of Armed Forces personnel adventure breaks, researching the impact of blast injuries on the body, lobbying the government on key issues, and advising on benefits and money problems.

Jim France, The Royal British Legion Area Manager for Dorset, Hampshire & Isle of Wight, said: “We are delighted that the Dorset Police have chosen to support The Royal British Legion and the Poppy Appeal in this way.

“I’m sure that the sight of the car will encourage the public to recognise the service and sacrifices made across all generations of the British Armed Forces by donating to our appeal.

“The money raised through the Poppy Appeal goes directly to our work providing support through life to anyone who is currently serving in the British Armed Forces, veterans, and their families.”

As a result of the public’s support in the last year, The Royal British Legion has been able to answer more than 780,000 requests for help from the Armed Forces community.