DORSET'S drinkers are being urged to ditch the booze and raise money for charity instead.

Men and women are being challenged to take part in Cancer Research UK's Dryathlon in September.

They are asked to take a month-long break from alcohol and either get sponsored or donate the money they would have spent on alcohol to the charity.

Last year, 6,818 people took part in Dryathlon across the South West and raised nearly half a million pounds.

Jenny Makin, Cancer Research UK spokesperson for the South West, said: “"After a summer of boozy holidays or ‘one too many’ at weddings, Dryathlon is the perfect opportunity for everyone to kick-start a new season, by going booze-free for September.

"As well as raising vital funds to help save more lives, people might be surprised to realise the added benefits of ditching the drink for one month.

Supporters can register to take part as individuals or set up a team by getting their friends, colleagues or relatives involved to motivate one another along the way.

For those who think the challenge sounds a bit too daunting, or who plan to raise a toast at a wedding or party, there’s a special ‘tipple tax’. So if a Dryathlete falls off the wagon one evening, they can donate a £20 penalty.

Jenny added: "Whatever the motivation for taking part, now’s the time to sign up and banish the booze this September.

"Money raised by our Dryathlete heroes will help fund life-saving research."

To take on Dryathlon in September, visit

10 reasons to take on Dryathlon this September

By cutting out alcohol for a month people might:

Feel more energised and alert.

Sleep better at night and even snore less.

Lose weight and feel less bloated.

Feel a sense of achievement by taking on a new personal challenge.

Gain a fresh outlook on your alcohol consumption.

Have pride in raising vital funds to help save more lives.

Experience clearer, less moisture stripped skin.

Enjoy a night out on the town without any red-faced regrets the morning after.

Try a new class or hobby instead of spending weekends nursing a hang-over.

Eat more healthily, instead of heading for a takeaway after one too many.