BOURNEMOUTH-BASED recruitment specialist Jobshop UK has stepped forward to support the Daily Echo School Awards.

Based at the Triangle, the company will be sponsoring the Middle/Secondary Teacher of the Year category.

Bournemouth Echo:

It is one of nine categories in the inaugural awards, which seek to recognise the teachers and support staff who go the extra mile to enhance the education of young people in the area.

We have already received hundreds of nominations across the categories and hope to receive many more before the deadline on Friday February 5.

Jobshop UK Director Tracey Wood said: "Jobshop UK has always believed in the importance of supporting young people as they take their first tentative, yet exciting, steps from education into the workforce.

"Over the years, we have worked alongside Young Enterprise on their Employability Programme in order to help familiarise students with the labour market, skills shortages, the industries showing growth and procedures involved in looking for a job.

"Be it CV and letter writing, interview techniques, or how to beat the inevitable nerves that come along with starting a job, we have always seen our role as not just a recruiter, but as guides to the employees of the future."

She said the company believes teaching is not just about educating young people to pass exams but is about guiding and equipping them with the necessary skills needed after those exams.

"A great teacher helps shape the future of their students; they will inspire them, motivate them, and impress upon them their own importance and place in the world," she said.

"As we all know, teaching is not just a job, it’s a vocation, and we are proud to be able to highlight and celebrate the importance teachers play in today’s society."

Members of the public can nominate using the form in the paper or online at

Nominations are still open for the awards, which will culminate in a ceremony at Bournemouth's Cumberland Hotel on Thursday March 17.

Poole's newest music emporium, Freestyle guitars and accessories in Holton Heath Trading Park have also signed up to back the awards.

Bournemouth Echo:

The third sponsor is School Business Services Ltd (SBS), which has its head office in Poole and provides professional services to schools across the UK and overseas.

Bournemouth Echo:


There are opportunities for others to get involved in sponsoring an award by calling Angela Boyer on 01202 411221.