A LARGE scale trading standards investigation is continuing into an advertising salesman accused of duping dozens of local shopkeepers.

Nigel Hallett took money from small businesses across Bournemouth and Poole who wanted to be featured in a new high-end advertising directory he was producing.

The Poole directory was supposed to be published at the end of last year but when nothing materialised, traders complained to Trading Standards.

In an interview with the Echo earlier this year, Mr Hallett said both the Poole and Bournemouth directories had been delayed because he had suffered health problems.

He said the Poole directory would be published by June, followed swiftly by the Bournemouth one. But business owners in both areas, some of whom handed over more than £100 to Mr Hallett, say they are yet to see a directory.

One small business owner said: “I did receive a proof but other than that there has been nothing. Both the Poole and Bournemouth directories were supposed to be out in June but they haven’t materialised and you have to assume they are not going to.”

Following complaints from traders, Poole Trading Standards opened an investigation and received assistance from Wiltshire council, where Mr Hallett had also had dealings with small shops.

Andy Shimmen, Trading Standards officer for Borough of Poole, said: “The investigation into Mr Hallett’s case is still ongoing.

“We are liaising with a number of businesses and other organisations from across Bournemouth and Poole, and considering enforcement options in relation to a number of his publications.

“The latest update is that this is a large scale investigation with a number of complainants and the investigation will continue over the next couple of months.”