A PRECINCT in Kinson is due to become empty next month as work begins to redevelop it into a new Tesco store.

Many shops have already moved out of the arcade in Wimborne Road and it has now been confirmed that the Co-op store will close on November 23.

The other remaining shops are understood to be leaving when their leases expire on November 1.

The move has been widely welcomde by traders and the community as being key to reinvigorating the area and making it a shopping destination.

But residents will have to cope with months of disruption and a loss of the current supermarket beforehand.

A spokesperson for The Co-operative Food said: “We can confirm that our store on Wimborne Road, Kinson, will close on Saturday, November 23.

“Staff at the store have been informed of the closure, which is due to the landlord serving notice on the property as part of a wider redevelopment of the area. We are currently in discussions with staff and are attempting to redeploy as many as possible at nearby stores, or to help them find alternative employment.”

Concerns were raised last week by councillor for the area, Dennis Gritt, that the site could become a magnet for fly-tippers.

Ramesh Lal, chairman of the newly-formed Kinson Business Forum, said: “We’re concerned that the site is going to be left for a period of time.

“We hope that Tesco board it up securely so it does not become a health and safety hazard or in terms of crime. We support the Co-op and hope that we can help those working there get jobs.

“We would very much like Tesco to start off with some good PR and perhaps run a shuttle bus from here to its store at Ferndown or another store.

“We want to work with Tesco and want them to give us a timeframe.”

Tesco has not yet gone into detail about the timescale for its plans.

It has said that it will put fencing up around the site and do its best to keep it tidy, but added that it would not be possible to provide a shuttle bus.