THE head teacher of Poole Grammar School has announced he is to retire from his post at the end of this term to work overseas for the Methodist Church.

Ian Carter, who has led the school for nearly 10 years, is to work in the field of wildlife conservation, returning to interests he pursued in the rainforests of Borneo 30 years ago, before entering the teaching profession.

“This has been a very hard decision but my wife Suzy and I felt it was the right time to move onto a new chapter in our lives,” he said.

“An opportunity arises and you take it so that you don’t say in 10 years times, ‘what if?’”

He made the announcement to staff and pupils, having overseen the arrival and settling in of the new Year 7 and 8 pupils at the beginning of the academic year.

During his tenure he has ensured that the school has become one of the leading grammars in the south west, put in place expansion plans and overseen many new developments including a new sixth form centre, learning resource centre, theatre, music school and redevelopment of existing buildings.

He has driven up academic standards and placed the school on national and international stages through the International Boys’ Schools Coalition and the South West Academic Trust.

Pupils have achieved success in academic work, sport, music and drama.

“I have loved living and working in the Poole community and seen generations of young people flourish during my time at the school along with seeing our son and daughter progress through local schools.

“The community of schools in Poole is very special and the staff who lead them are an incredible group of professionals from whom I’ve learnt so much.”

“I am sure my successor will build on the sure foundations that are in place for the further development of the school over the coming years.”

Ken Power, chairman of governors said: “Ian Carter has provided Poole Grammar School with inspired and innovative leadership over many years.

“He has led the school through to academy status and a major expansion incorporating the benefit of an imaginative new build. This will enable more Poole students than ever before to benefit from a grammar school education.

“It is important to appreciate that recent progress has been achieved against a backdrop of significant financial constraint.

“Under Ian’s leadership the results in examinations have shown sustained improvement whilst never losing sight of the meaning