A MAN arrested over the death of a woman in Lytchett Matravers has been released without charge.

Police said late last night that the 73-year-old Poole man had been released and the death was no longer being treated as suspicious.

The case will be referred to the coroner on Monday.

Detectives had launched a murder investigation following the death of the woman.

Officers were called to a house in Wareham Road at 8.45am after she was found seriously injured in the rear garden.

When they arrived they found a 62-year-old local woman with life threatening injuries.

She was rushed to Poole Hospital but was pronounced dead a short time later.

Officers later recovered a knife from the scene.

Dorset Police had announced that they were treating the death as suspicious and a 73-year-old Poole man had been arrested on suspicion of murder.

A police spokesman confirmed the arrested man was known to the deceased.

But shortly before midnight on Friday police said the man had been released and the case was no longer a police matter.

Next of kin were made aware during the afternoon, and a post-mortem was expected last night, with an inquest set to be opened and adjourned next week.

Neighbours said a number of police cars arrived at the house after 8.45am, shortly followed by an ambulance.

A cordon was set up outside the detached house and remained in place throughout the day.

Scenes of crime investigators in white suits were seen going in and out of the property carrying out their examination of the scene. They left the address just before 3pm.

  • RESIDENTS in Lytchett Matravers have spoken of their utter shock about the events.

Many say they knew the couple who live there to pass pleasantries and say news of the woman’s death comes just a year after convicted paedophile Geoffrey Reed’s body was dumped in a suitcase in a shallow grave in nearby Huntick Road.

Graham Young, who lives in nearby Burbidge Close, said: “We don’t really know them. We know of them, just to say hello but that’s it.

“When you go by walking the kids to school you would say hello.

“I think they basically kept themselves to themselves. This is a bit bizarre.”

His wife Fiona Young added: “When I went to the shops at 9.30am I saw all the cops and the ambulance. You do hear of it on the news but you don’t expect it on your own door step.”

Gail Phillips, 42, also of Burbidge Close, said she saw the police arrive at the house on her way back from the school run.

“We saw one police car turn up and then the officer came running out to the car with a first aid bag. Then I saw another police car turn up, and another one and another one.

“Five minutes later the ambulance arrived, followed by another police officer carrying a camera.

“I thought oh goodness me, something is not right here. It is very, very sad and shocking that something like this has happened.”

Gail said a couple lived there and she’d often pass pleasantries with the man.

“I would see the man there pottering in his garden when I walked past on the school run. He’d say hello and good morning.

“This is a real shock, especially after the body was found in woodland here last year.”

Sophie Sutton, who lives in Wareham Road, said: "I just live up the road and I saw all the police cars arriving. I was on my way out at the time and when I drove past I saw about seven police cars. I then saw the crime scene vans arriving.

"It is really, really sad. I just can't believe it."