DORSET’S only barbershop chorus are looking for new members – and men of all ages and abilities are welcome to join.

The Southern Union Chorus are holding a free ‘learn to sing’ open meeting on Monday September 30 at Linwood School in Winton for anyone interested in joining.

Attendees will hear a performance by the chorus, practice a song of their own and join to sing as part of a whole group during the evening.

John Walker of the group said: “There is no need to be able to read music or to have had much experience. We teach technique and our section leaders are skilled in helping to get the best from voices.”

Anyone interested should contact Terry Bryant on 01202 536283.

The chorus raises funds for the brachytherapy unit at Poole Hospital and AboutFace Cancer Support.

“Barber-shoppers are well known for their friendship, so you can be assured of a warm welcome.”