AN OPPOSITION councillor who called for leader of Bournemouth council John Beesley to resign has been denied his request for an email to be made public concerning Cllr Beesley’s relationship with a planning agent.

As reported in the Daily Echo, Cllr Beesley said he had no intention of resigning in the wake of accusations over his closeness to the Winter Gardens redevelopment plan.

Lib Dem councillor Roger West circulated an email, seen by the Echo, claiming that Cllr Beesley gave incorrect information in 2010 when asked to declare any interest in the scheme, which councillors threw out earlier this year.

At the full council meeting in July, Cllr West said Cllr Beesley was incorrect to declare that his position was no different to that of any other councillor.

Cllr West’s accusations centred on the fact that the Winter Gardens scheme was represented by Tony Ramsden of Planning Solutions, with whom Cllr West claimed Cllr Beesley had been a business partner – something Cllr Beesley said was untrue.

Cllr Beesley said the email was “false and misleading” and that the council’s monitoring officer had said his declarations of interests were made correctly.

At the latest council meeting on Tuesday, Cllr West challenged the minutes of the July meeting, which included Cllr Beesley’s full statement on the matter, and asked for his email to be included.

Cllr West said: “I assume that there has been an oversight by our officers, as the email referred to by the leader of the council, Cllr John Beesley, has not been included in this item.

“I am sure that this oversight will be corrected by the full inclusion of my email of July 27, 2013, along with its attachments, as officers would not want to be accused of political bias.”

Tony Williams, chief executive of Bournemouth Borough Council, said after the meeting: “The minutes from council are written based on the content of the meeting and are approved by full council.

“In this instance, leader of the council Cllr John Beesley, with the permission of the council, made a statement.

“He made reference to an email sent by Cllr West, which had already been circulated to all members previously.

“This statement did not include the content of the email and so was not part of the minutes from the meeting. Full council agreed that this was the case and did not consent for amendments to be made.”