A PARENT governor of a Poole school has been suspended for six months following an allegation of sexual harassment.

Ibrahim Bassiouni strongly denies the allegation and says he will take his case to Ofsted and the Department for Education.

The allegation was made by clerk to the governors, Sarah Simpson.

Mr Bassiouni, 57, admits he invited her to lunch and said he exchanged emails with her.

The elected parent governor of Brixey Road who has a son at the school, described the allegation as “trumped up” and “completely ridiculous” and is determined to fight to clear his name.

He admitted being outspoken and said he was doing his job correctly as a governor.

Sarah Simpson, who runs her own company offering business support services and is contracted by Poole High, said she had spoken to the police first and was advised to contact the borough.

“Having made it clear to him his attentions were not wanted, he still pursued it,” she said.

“I applaud the way that both Dorset Police and the Borough of Poole have handled this matter, in the safeguarding of their contractors, their employees and the young people of Poole High,” she said.

Mr Bassiouni, who is half-way through his four year elected term, was given the maximum period of suspension by the governing body.

Fan Heafield, headteacher of Poole High said: “The motion to suspend this governor related to a very serious allegation which could not be ignored and was unanimously supported at a governors’ meeting.”

She said all school governors sign a code of conduct which promised to keep school matters confidential.

“I am disappointed that he has chosen to disregard the code of conduct, following a series of threats to do so,” she said.