THOUSANDS of art lovers are expected to descend on Bournemouth when the arts university transforms into a ‘campus of creativity’ for the annual higher education show this week.

At least 1,060 graduates will be exhibiting their work either as part of a group, or as individuals from 21 different BA courses ranging from fine art to fashion. Every year the Graduate Summer Show highlights the creative talent fostered at Arts University Bournemouth (AUB) and includes fashion collections, award-winning 3D models and vivid displays of fine art exhibited.

The model-making students have just returned from the New Blades exhibition in London where AUB won four out of seven prizes, including the coveted Best in Show award for Tom Le Gallez’s model of Slimfab’s The Haymaker motorbike.

Paul Johnson, the course leader for model-making said: “The discipline is varied, interesting and opens the door to hundreds of industries including film and special effects, animation, character design, puppetry and medical prosthetics.

The costume with performance design department have built an entire two storey building with an interior, exterior and surrounding garden to represent the theme, ‘Facade’ for the exhibition, which runs from June 21 to 27. The range of costumes to be exhibited includes beautiful, historic designs and pantomime costumes used in the Bury St Edmund’s Theatre Royal production of Rapunzel in 2012.

Local girl Lauren Holman, 21, has been awarded the Turland Prize from the Poole Maritime Trust as she designed the layout, garden and facade and painted the set to show the process of scene painting.

Lauren, a former Bournemouth School for Girls pupil, said: “I’m really pleased my work has been recognised and I’m thrilled to receive the prize which is given to local artists.”

The garden area is complete with grass and a recorded music including birdsong and crickets. Rebecca Pride, course leader, said: “This is supposed to be an immersive exhibition which really evokes all the senses.”

There is an open day festival tomorrow for prospective students to come and view the work on display, meet with lecturers on their preferred courses and take part in a number of activities around campus, including a print workshop, a notice board using the style of the Pinterest website, and a creative crafts caravan.

The fine art display is another one of the highlights of the show, as 51 students are graduating and exhibiting their work in a vast open space at the North Lights Centre at Bournemouth and Poole College’s North Road campus.

Mike Griffiths, course leader for Fine Art said the show includes video, installation, painting and sculpture in what examiners are saying is “a very strong year”.