Bournemouth gym-goers are attempting to row around Great Britain to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

PureGym Bournemouth on the Triangle has been taking part in a rowing challenge to row as many miles as possible for charity between May 1 and June 20. The PureGym clubs have rowed the equivalent of 21 circuits of the UK and raised £17,000 for Cancer Research UK with the Bournemouth branch contributing 887 miles.

General manager of PureGym Bournemouth Kimberley Lincoln said: “It has been great to see so many members come together to try and virtually row around mainland Great Britain.”

The 24-hour gym chain entered a team to compete in GB Row 2013, a 2,000-mile sponsored race around Great Britain earlier this month.

Claire Shouksmith, 34, from Bournemouth competed as part of a team of four with Paul Pendleton, from Liverpool, Steve Paterson from Oxford and Ingrid Kvale from Bristol in their boat Pure Gym.

The challenge has been labelled the world’s toughest rowing race and the team retired on June 6 at Salcombe in Devon, restarted and retired at Penzance on June 9.