Elite Bournemouth sporting academy, LeAF Studio, is celebrating as the school has received planning permission to build a multi-million pound sports hall suitable for International events.

The academy has enlisted the help of four former Olympians, one of whom is Dorset-born Dan Hunter, to help manage the new facility, which is due for completion around Christmas.

The new hall will measure 27m by 60m with a 12.5m high roof, meaning it will be able to host international events for a variety of different sports and hold a minimum of 1,000 spectators.

Executive Principal Dr Annetta Minard said the number of students applying for the elite academy has doubled in the last year, meaning they are nearing their maximum capacity of 500 students.

Dr Minard said: “For the athletes here, sport is their profession and business. There is a buzz about the place because this development means we will be able to compete on a European and International level and give back the community.”

The hall will host European matches and tournaments, super 8 national teams, England junior teams and school tournaments for football, volleyball, handball, hockey and tennis.

Joel Banks, Director of LeAF Studio and former head coach of British Volleyball said: “According to TalkSport, 90 per cent of the medallists in the British team for Beijing were from private school. “We want to give youngsters from all backgrounds the chance to compete at the highest level.”

The coaching and facilities are completely free for the athletes and the project is self-funded with some support from Sport England.

The academy is open the whole year round and the school day can last anywhere between 5:30am and 7:30pm for the elite athletes, who are aged 14 to 19.