SIX final year Art and Events Management students from the Arts University Bournemouth have put together a unique and one-off performance at the Pavilion Dance.

The event called ‘Electric Fusion’, which took place on Thursday night is a mix of contemporary and classical music and dance which is set to present something brand new to a Dorset audience.

Gentle Mystics, a London based electro-swing band have created an exclusive reworked version of Rite of Spring by Igor Stravinsky which dancers from all over Bournemouth will be performing to.
The track has been split into four sections to allow for a wide spectrum style of dances to be executed; ballet, contemporary, hip-hop and street.

The six students, who produced the event over seven months as their final major project of their degree, are “extremely excited to see it take place as we have been working on it for so long.”

One of the group, Jess Ellison, said, “We wanted to create something truly unique and new for Bournemouth; we recognise that Dorset is actually quite rich in the arts and we wanted to show that by collaborating with different genres and maybe going out of your comfort zone it is possible to create something extraordinary.

“We also wanted to leave a legacy and inspire others to do the same with what we're doing! As a team we all love music and dance and the classic and the contemporary, so to explore blurring the edges between the different styles was something we wanted to explore from the offset.”

Alys Penfold