A 22-YEAR-old man was attacked by two strangers near Tower Park in Poole.

The incident took place at 5pm last Friday on a gravel path near Sherborn Crescent, Canford Heath, but details have only just been released by the police.

The assailants were both dark-skinned and in their 30s. One had a thin beard following his jaw line from ear to ear and was wearing a dark green hooded top and dark trousers. The other wore a dark jumper and had a plaster cast up to the elbow of his right arm.

Their victim received minor injuries to his face and hand.

DC Mandy Brimicombe of Bournemouth and Poole CID said: “This was an unprovoked attack that happened in broad daylight. There would have been people in the area at this time of day and I urge any witnesses to come forward.

“I am particularly keen to speak with a man who was seen on the bridge nearby talking on his phone at the time of the incident. He may have information that can help the police establish exactly what happened.”

No-one has been arrested and police are appealing for anyone with information to call 101 in confidence, quoting incident number 3:361, or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.