RUNNERS helped to put food on the table for struggling Bournemouth residents at a special fun run on Sunday.

The first-ever Mayor’s Food Bank Fun Run called on participants to bring along a tin of food instead of an entry fee with the aim of boosting supplies for the needy.

Councillor Amedeo Angiolini, who represents Kinson, dreamed up the idea for the run after being forced to drop his own charity challenge.

He said: “I have helped the food bank at St Andrew’s in Kinson for some time.

“I asked them if I could run a half-marathon to raise money for them, but unfortunately I’ve had an accident and ruptured my quad.

“It means that I might not be able to run again myself for about two years, so I needed to come up with another idea, and I thought, ‘If I can’t run, can I get other people to do it instead?’”

He said the event has been created ‘on an angel’s wing and a prayer’, adding: “We have involved schools and churches.

“In this current economic uncertainty, more and more people are going to need help putting food on the table. I think it’s everybody’s responsibility to do what we can to help.”

Runners chose to take on one of three distances along the Boscombe seafront – 2k, 4k or 8k.

Bournemouth Mayor, Cllr Phil Stanley-Watts, pictured left, arrived at the event in a suit, but was soon lining up with the runners at the starting line.

The mayor, who brought along a tin of mixed bean salad for the food bank, said: “I think mayors should lead by example.

“This is an unusual race, and we very much hope it will help out people who need support in the area.”

Andy Norton, of Christian charity PACE Trust, brought along his children Daniel, five, and Elizabeth, three, to take part in the 4k run.

“I took part in a number of assemblies at local schools where we talked about poverty,” he said.

“Children tell you that there’s poverty in India and Africa.

“They don’t realise that it’s here too.

“Poverty isn’t just far away places or homeless people, it’s about people having to make choices about whether they can pay their bills or eat too.”