A POLICING service in the skies above Dorset is guaranteed after the force signed up to the National Police Air Service.

Following negotiations with the NPAS, Dorset police and Crime Commissioner Martyn Underhill have secured provision of air support to replace the force owned service.

The national service involves all 43 police forces in England and Wales and will go live on July 3 this year.

It will mean that the cost of air support to Dorset residents will reduce by more than £500,000 a year with improved coverage, availability and response times.

In future Dorset will benefit from the services of two helicopters, one covering the west of the county and the other covering the east.

The current force helicopter, based at Winfrith, will continue to operate from there while the national team are investigating a number of alternatives for its permanent operating site. It will be tasked to attend incidents by the national dedicated centre.

As well as attending incidents in Dorset the helicopter will attend jobs in surrounding counties.