POOLE’S Twin Sails Bridge was working again on Tuesday evening after its second breakdown since Saturday.

The Borough of Poole, which had planned three two-hour closures of the old Poole Bridge on Wednesday from 9.30am to 11.30am and the following two days, has said these were “unlikely” to go ahead. The bridge became stuck after the 2.30pm lift on Tuesday, due to a pressure problem.

It was working again for the 6.30pm lift. Julian McLaughlin, head of transportation services at the Borough of Poole, said the cause of Saturday’s failure was being investigated.

“During this time the bridge leaves were high enough to allow most maritime vessels to pass through unhindered,” he said.

“A further fault occurred on Tuesday during the 2.30pm lift. Due to a pressure issue the lifting leaves did not return to their lowered position. Although this fault is being investigated we are working closely with the contractors to reopen the Twin Sails Bridge as soon as possible.

“In the meantime, Poole Bridge is operating as normal.”

The 86-year-old Poole Bridge was closed for 10 days in April, during which engineers found further work was needed.

Overnight closures to replace traffic barrier controls are scheduled for next week.