“CHILDREN don’t get lost or overlooked here – there’s a real sense of family and community.”

So says the new head of Yarrells Prep School Charlotte Oosthuizen. And she’s got a point.

There are not many schools where the headteacher sends every child a birthday card.

And there may be even fewer where all pupils know each other by name and look after each other.

Yarrells is a small independent school nestled on a spacious leafy site in Upton.

It takes children from the age of two to 13 and has resisted the temptation to reduce the year groups it offers following a change to the age of transfer in Poole.

From September this year children in Poole’s state schools will move to secondary school at the age of 11, a year earlier than the current system.

But Mrs Oosthuizen plans to retain Years 7 and 8 for those who do not feel ready to move on or those considering different schools which start in Year 9, such as state school Corfe Hills or independents Canford or Bryanston.

“A lot of people feel children are not ready for secondary school at the age of 11” she said. “Instead of being lost in a massive school they can be here in a smaller school with more opportunities for personal development.”

The school currently has around 200 pupils with waiting lists in some year groups and spaces in others. It offers many scholarships including music, drama and sport.

And it runs a full enrichment programme of activities ranging from Shakespeare study trips and activity afternoons to school speakers, sports tournaments and residential trips.

Children attend from a wide area including Blandford, Swanage, Poole and Bournemouth.

Yarrells has a good success record with entry to grammar schools in Bournemouth and Poole and many students gain scholarships to other independent schools.

The school also works hard to be part of the local community with charity events and links with state schools.

“Just because we are independent does not mean it is ‘them and us’” said Mrs Oosthuizen. “There are a range of children here and we are keen to share what we have.”


Yarrells Preparatory School, Upton, Poole, BH16 5EU

Telephone: 01202 622229

Age range: 2-13

Number of pupils:  200

Headteacher: Charlotte Oosthuizen