Trends are everywhere these days in all shapes and sizes and it is easy to get lost in the world of fashion.

I focus on collecting simple, classic and versatile pieces that will serve me for many seasons. A truly stylish man should keep up with trends but not follow all of them blindly.

I am careful when it comes to breaking and adding new elements to my current look, through incorporating and purchasing new elements gradually, one-by-one.

When considering buying an item, it is important to consider not just your older clothes but more the lifestyle, job, personality and body shape. Also, what I look for is good quality material that will retain its size, structure and colour even after many washes.

One glance at my wardrobe, and you can see that I am not a particularly fussy person when it comes to choosing the types of clothes.

There are the essential pieces that I feel every man should have - from tailored shirts to suits and coats, but also some more personal touches, such as a range of corduroy trousers, inspired by…well, elderly gentlemen - I admire their sophisticated, elegant style. And to keep in touch with reality, I do have a hoody or two, dark pairs of Vans and some skinny jeans.

The main colours I wear are blue, grey and white – a blend of purity, tranquillity and simplicity. Occasionally, I throw in a touch of red, black and orange, with printed t-shirts and coloured trousers adding some energy and intensity.

Today, I am wearing a grey, printed Zara tee, red corduroy trousers and Topman denim jacket - a straightforward, contrasting grey-blue-red combination that looks good in any place at any time, and because I will be out and about, some comfortable shoes are in order – classic, black Vans.

Marcin Bryszak