Coming to university to study what interests you the most is a step that lots of young people around the world think about. Having the opportunity to apply for five courses through the UK’s Universities and Colleges Admissions Service, better known as UCAS, gives you the chance to have choices.

As an international student I did not have the opportunity due to financial reasons to be able to take part in the Open Days, so I chose my university mainly on instinct, the reputation of the course and the advice given by friends who were already studying in the UK.

That landed me here, at Bournemouth University. Since my first day it feels like a dream come true. Even though having a slight language barrier, it’s been great as an international student to find that everyone I’ve met here in Bournemouth is extremely friendly.

What is home for you? For me it is a place where you know that you are valued, where people do care about you and no matter what you do, someone is always there for you. And that, is exactly how I feel here.

I had never heard anything about a Student’s Union before coming here and I thought that university life is only about studying.

What I have learned is that it’s actually studying life through different experiences. I was really surprised, after realising in the mid-October that doesn’t matter where you’re from or how well do you speak the language, if you’re ambitious and willing to take on responsibilities, Bournemouth University and the Student’s Union will always trust you and give you a chance.

In a short time I had become Student Representative for my course and a member of Bournemouth University Varsity Football team, which has given me a lot when it comes to socialising. Also being a Student Ambassador and part of several clubs and societies really makes you feel that you are special.

Valjo Kutt