RED Arrow Jon Egging’s passion for flying is being passed onto Bournemouth teenagers through a scheme set up in his memory.

A group of 13 and 14-year-olds met test pilots and undertook lessons on aerodynamics as part of the Blue Skies programme, run by the Jon Egging Trust.

The sessions, run at MOD Bosocmbe Down, are designed to help underperforming youngsters achieve their potential by connecting them with inspirational individuals and environments connected to aviation.

Dr Emma Egging, who set up the initiative following the death of her husband in 2011 while completing a display at the Bournemouth Air Festival, said: “Through these partnerships they gain a unique opportunity to build confidence, self-esteem and achieve accredited trai-ning in work and life skills.”

The sessions at MOD Boscombe Down are the first following on from the pilot scheme which took place in Lincolnshire last year. Youngsters from the Glenmoor and Winton Federated Trust in Bournemouth received briefs from pilots, undertook lessons on aerodynamics and visited different sections of the airbase in Salisbury.

Dr Egging added: “Jon was passionate about inspiring young people through his love of flying and the children in this phase of the scheme have been able to meet test pilots who are among the most highly trained aviators in the world.

“They have undertaken two sessions so far and the effect on their confidence is already showing.”

Brad, aged 13, was identified by his teachers to take part in the programme. He said: “I really enjoyed looking around all the aeroplanes, meeting the pilots.”

The children will take part in another seven sessions to complete the programme, including three at MOD Boscombe Down, and two teamwork sessions led by Wessex Archaeology.

By the end of the programme they will have gained credits towards a BTEC in Work Skills.

The Jon Egging Blue Skies programme will also be running in Norfolk and Lincolnshire in 2013, with plans to continue to expand nationwide in 2014.