WORK is about to begin on a £10 million plant that will handle much of Dorset’s increasing levels of household recycling.

The materials recycling facility (MRF) at Mannings Heath Industrial Estate will create around 50 new jobs and safeguard 27 existing posts and will deal with domestic recycling from the Dorset Waste Partnership, which covers the Dorset County Council area.

W&S Recycling last week secured planning permission for part of the former BK Bluebird site either side of Ling Road, which has been largely vacant for more than 10 years.

The MRF will handle up to 100,000 tonnes of waste per year, while there will also be a 10,000-tonne per annum facility recycling cardboard and other materials, replacing the company’s existing Poole plant, which handles materials from across Dorset.

A new purpose-built office headquarters, vehicle servicing and maintenance and lorry parking spaces, which will also be used for the bulking up of waste electrical materials for onward transfer, will also be included.

Objections were raised by one resident and nearby companies during the planning process but, granting permission, Borough of Poole said the plans had been generally welcomed.

It is now hoped to have at least the core site up and running by the autumn.

W&S owner, Geoff Thompson, said: “It’s the most sensible thing to be done in this area because we haven’t got one.

“I’ve been involved with Dorset County Council for over 25 years and I’ve been wanting to build one of these for years, but haven’t been in position or had the money before. But with the new DCC collection scheme it is so important to do this.”

Business manager at the company, Ian Squires, added: “We want to make the impact, go full steam ahead and get this facility up and running as soon as possible.”

Planning firm Terence O’Rourke handled the application and Borough of Poole officers gave it the green light under delegated powers last week.