'Coronation Street' stars have accidentally revealed the new Rovers Return by posting photos on Twitter.

The ITV soap's iconic pub was set alight by Weatherfield bad boy Karl Munro - played by John Michie - last month, but the cast have given fans a glimpse at the new set through the social-networking site and TV bosses are furious the secret is blown.

A show insider told The Sun newspaper: "The Twitter stuff has been getting out of hand recently, with people posting all kinds of photos which could be detrimental to the show.

"The bosses would rather people didn't know what the Rovers looks like ahead of time, and these snaps clearly blew that."

One of the photos leaked by Simon Gregson - known as cabbie Steve McDonald - shows Kym Lomas (Michelle Connor), Craig Charles (Lloyd Mullaney) and Alison King (Carla Connor) eating peanuts in the newly decorated boozer, despite the rule being no mobile phones on set.

Simon seemed to know they may end up in trouble, with a caption attached to the photo reading: "Naughty friends at work I give it 3 minutes before we're told off (sic)"

The source added: "Mobile phones are not allowed on set as part of general studio protocol.

"The memo that mentioned this was not prompted by a specific incident."

Another photo shows Tony Hirst sitting in the pub, which leaves viewers questioning whether his character Paul will leave the cobbles following the traumatic event - in which his friend and colleague Toni died - and his break-up with Eileen Grimshaw (Sue Cleaver).

The entire set of the soap is currently being rebuilt in the Salford area of Manchester, north west England, to give it a fresh look.