A Poole man who forced his nieghbour out of their home has been banned from threatening or harrassing anyone in Canford Heath under a four-year ASBO.

Peter Bright, of Thorncombe Close, Canford Heath, is banned from:

  • Threatening, harassing, alarming and/or distressing any resident or guest of a resident in Canford Heath, Poole;
  • Damaging any property belonging to, or attached to any property belonging to, any resident or guest of any resident of Thorncombe Close, Poole;
  • Associating with named individuals in Thorncombe Close, or any place where the public have access in Canford Heath;
  • Being on any retail or commercial building/ premises within Poole outside of trading hours;
  • Making threats to harm Police Officers, PCSO’s and/or Special Constables in the Dorset area.

Bournemouth Magistrates Court was told Mr Bright had caused harassment and distress to his neighbours which resulted in one resident having to move out of their home.

Magistrates agreed that residents of the area needed protecting from Mr Bright’s behaviour and granted the four-year ASBO requested by Borough of Poole and Dorset Police.

Ian Cooke, Safer Communities Manager, Borough of Poole, said: "This result is testament to the hard work of council and police officers who have worked together to successfully obtain the anti-social behaviour order against Peter Bright.

"This order will help protect Poole’s residents from Mr Bright’s anti-social and offending behaviour and help in disrupting his activities."

Simon Perry, acting Inspector for Poole North, Dorset Police, said: "I hope that this partnership approach sends a clear message that those who commit crime or anti-social behaviour against Poole residents will be subject to not only police but joint action.

"I am thankful to those members of the public who have supported this application and would urge those who experience problems to contact their safer neighbourhood teams.

"We will continue to work with the council and other agencies and our message is clear that anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated."