TRADERS have vowed to fight on to find a home for the Boscombe Vintage Market.

The Daily Echo reported on Saturday that the owners of the Royal Arcade, Arnewood Estates, had kicked out the popular market, held once a month at the venue.

But Debbie Ward, who owns Kaotichandbag Geek Boutique in Christchurch Road, said the market has not been permanently cancelled.

“We were an internet business first, and the market was really beneficial to us,” she said.

“There are about nine other businesses just like us, owned by people who have gone from setting up a market stall to opening their own shops or being part of a joint venture. It’s a really good market, and we’re all obviously really shocked by this decision.”

Debbie and business partner Scott Blackiston were the first to be accepted onto Bournemouth Borough Council’s ‘talent’ programme in November 2011, which offered two years of business support, the use of an empty shop, a small amount of funding and training and help with business skills.

She said: “It’s unfortunate, as the Royal Arcade was the perfect location, but the market isn’t over.

“We’re now looking to find somewhere else for the stallholders. We’ve had so much support already and we’re just going to keep going.”

The market received a huge celebrity boost in December, when musician Corey Taylor of heavy metal bands Slipknot and Stone Sour visited to buy Christmas presents.

Debbie said: “We’ve even got celebrities visiting the market, so we know how popular the market really is.”

“Hardcore fans were queuing in the street to get a glimpse of the band and they were just wandering around the Royal Arcade chatting to us traders.”

Cllr Jane Kelly, cabinet member for partnerships and regeneration, said: “I am really disappointed by this decision.

“It would be so sad to lose the market. The Royal Arcade is the perfect setting, and really matches the overall ethos of the market. We were really hoping that the market would continue to go from strength to strength.”