LITTLE Max Bator has fought a brave battle with cancer and is calling on girls and women to sign up to this year’s Race for Life and help in the fight against the disease.

The Bournemouth four-year-old was diagnosed in December 2010 with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia after failing to recover from colds and infections.

Max received emergency blood transfusions at Poole Hospital to stabilise him before he was rushed by ambulance to the Southampton General Hospital. Tests there revealed he had leukaemia and he started chemotherapy treatment.

Max’s mum Lidia Kasprzak, 39, had just given birth to her second son Marcel when doctors revealed the news.

She said: “It was a terrible shock.

“The intense chemotherapy caused Max to lose his hair. He also had to cope with infections.

“But he battled through and is now doing so well he has been able to start school and he is enjoying his first year at Corpus Christi Primary School. “His hair has even grown back and he has just had his first ever visit to the hairdressers. It doesn’t seem much to anyone else but for us it’s a milestone.”

Max will continue on a low dose of chemotherapy for another year. Now Lidia and sister Zuzanna Bator, 13, are marking Max’s recovery by taking part in Race for Life for the third year running and they hope Max’s inspiring story will encourage others.

Lidia said: “Yes it’s a fun day out. But the purpose behind it is deadly serious.

“The money funds research into all cancers – including childhood leukaemia, helping Max and thousands of children like him look forward to a healthy future. “Zuzanna has found it very hard seeing Max so ill and she still finds it hard. She waited a long time for a little brother.

“Taking part in Race for Life is our way of making a stand against cancer.”

The 5km Race for Life events will be held on Bournemouth seafront on June 16, Poole Park on June 23 and Kingston Lacy on May 12.

To enter visit or call 0845 600 6050.